Where is Libby now?
Libby departed for her 10 or so days out-and-about in Senegal on Saturday. Unless she is blessed with an internet cafe in Saint-Louis, we (myself the fiancé included!) shouldn't expect to hear from her for a while. But I know that if you are here at her blog, you are thinking of and praying for her. If you are at all visual in your prayers, it may help to know where in Senegal these places are that she is visiting. Here are some satellite-screens I captured from GoogleEarth. Click the pictures to see them full size.
In case you weren't sure (it is ok, I was not at first...), here is Dakar in relation to West Africa:

Here are the cities that she is visiting. There is also another village I think, but GoogleEarth did not recognize the name.

And here is a bird's eye view of Saint-Louis. It is the other major city of Senegal, and from the sky looks very pretty with the ocean and beach.

Like she wrote beautifully at the end of her previous post, this trip promises much less of the "Western" comforts afforded in Dakar. I was reading some blogs that Libby pointed me to of people who completed her SIT program in years past, and the stories are pretty amazing and out-there. I join you all in anticipation of how Libby will tell her own stories with her skill at writing.
Also, be in prayer for Ramadan, which started this past weekend. Senegal is a largely Muslim country, and Libby sounded both excited and anxious about experiencing it first hand and up close.
now I know you are in Africa right now and very bisy learning how to eat with your hands and not be sloppy but I thought that when you had a moment to read blog comments you would be interested to know that I am applying to study in Florence, Italy next fall....the best part is that my favorite program so far doesn't start until August 30th so I wont have to fly there in my bridesmaid dress...anywho, I am sure you won;'t have time to look it up, but for any one reading this comment check out www.studyabroadflorence.com and imagine me there... Miss you Libby!! Love, ~Jen
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